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Membership Types and Rates

Enjoy the flexibility of an annual membership, or save time and money over the long term with a 5 year membership. Click the Join us today button below to learn more or to join online.

Membership Type
Annual Membership
5 Year Membership
$325 ($50 Saving)

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Member benefits

As a member of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Alumni Association, you gain access to a range of exciting benefits designed to enhance your professional growth, foster connections, and keep you informed about the latest happenings in our maritime community.

  1. The Bulletin Magazine: Stay up-to-date with the latest news and stories through our alumni magazine, The Bulletin. Enjoy insightful articles, alumni spotlights, and industry updates that keep you connected to the maritime world.

  2. Networking and Professional Development: Connect with fellow alumni and industry professionals through networking events, online forums, and mentorship programs. Expand your professional connections, seek guidance, and explore career opportunities within the maritime industry.

  3. Engaging Events and Reunions: Join vibrant reunions, social gatherings, professional conferences, and guest speaker series. These events provide networking opportunities, knowledge sharing, and a chance to celebrate our shared maritime heritage.

By being an active member of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Alumni Association, you join a supportive community dedicated to your success and the advancement of the maritime industry.

Don't miss out on these exclusive benefits. Join or renew your membership today to unlock a world of opportunities, stay connected, and make a difference in the lives of fellow alumni and future maritime leaders.


PO Box 312

Buzzards Bay, MA 02532

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